Authority Academy Radio With Brett Campbell

AATV Ep #17: Why Are Podcasts So Valuable?


Synopsis Transcription Why it's extremely valuable for you as an authority to have a number one rated podcast. How are you doing? Its Brett Campbell here, creator and founder of the Authority Academy online coaching community where we help entrepreneurs and small business owners generate more leads, more fans, and more customers so they can get their message, their skillset, their knowledge out to the world. Today, I wanted to talk to you about something that I find very interesting. I logged onto the computer this morning, went onto iTunes. We've recently just released another podcast. My wife, Emily, she's created a podcast called the Health and Fitspiration Show. Currently, You can't probably see that right now, but it's sitting at number one. There's something really interesting that I found whilst I was looking at this. I've been doing podcast shows for about, I think I started our first show would have been close to three years ago now. I think the Health and Fitspiration Show