Stand Out

Emotional Labor - How it's Affecting Your Organizing Clients



Emotional labor as Regina Lark describes it is the unseen, unnoticed, unwaged, unwritten, and unanticipated work women do at home. Gender inequity is an age-old issue that women still bear the brunt of and Regina joins us today to break down why it is that we are dumped with the job of homemaking, regardless of how our brains are hardwired, and why we feel such a deep sense of shame if we can’t stay on top of the mess! With a doctorate in women’s history and years of experience as a professional organizer, Regina has married her expertise to write Emotional Labor: Why a Woman’s Work Is Never Done and What To Do About It. In our conversation, we learn how Regina’s male and female clients tend to have a different relationship with mess and how same-sex relationships differ from heterosexual relationships in terms of emotional labor. We discuss wages for housework campaigns and homemaking strikes over the course of history, and how the delegation model in the modern home needs to change! Tune in to find out how