Stand Out

Good Enough is Perfect - KC Davis (EP.98)



We’re all familiar with the phrase, “Good enough is good enough,” but today’s guest is here to share some wisdom around why good enough isn’t just good enough, it’s perfect. KC Davis is a therapist, author (of How to Keep House While Drowning, which we highly recommend), and mother of two, who also recently became a TikTok sensation for her open and honest accounts of her home life during the pandemic and her approach to dealing with a messy household. Struggling with postpartum depression during nationwide lockdowns, KC came to the life-altering realization that not folding her kids’ clothes didn’t make her a bad mother and that it’s unrealistic to expect a lived-in home to look fit for the cover of a magazine. She has since come up with practical strategies to help people concurrently look after their mental health and their home environment, which she shares with us today. Sometimes we get too caught up in society’s expectations of us and we forget what’s really important; so if you’re needing some perspec