Service Academy Business Mastermind

#300: Milestones, Miracles, and Lessons from the Journey of 300 Podcasts



Today we’re celebrating episode 300 of the SABM Podcast! To mark this incredible milestone, I sat down again with my good friend Ginni Guiton, who interviewed me in February 2020 for episode 100 and in February 2022 for episode 200. At the time of this recording, the SABM Podcast has received almost 200,000 downloads! So many great things have happened since Ginni and I spoke in 2020 and 2022. I’m grateful for this opportunity to thank our listeners as I reflect on the progress we’ve made and share our goals for the future. In this episode, we discuss: The idea of "letting go" and being open to opportunities, as opposed to using brute force to achieve goals. Advice for anyone starting a business and the importance of loving your customers and getting that first sale. The evolution of different kinds of businesses: Strengths Mugs, 10X Vets, and the Academy Fund, and the unique scaling challenges that each business model presents. The concept of "collective victory" and how it aligns with Scott’s top Clifton S