Roker Rapport

RRP: "More patience, less paranoia?" - Internationals, Coventry aftermath & some SAFC reflection.



Aye after a short but some might say blessed period where their editor lost his hearing and everyone lost their shit (it was peaceful my end at least) the lads returned to talk about how much they hate these breaks, before sort of contradicting themselves a bit whilst trying to look back on the last few fixtures with a little bit of perspective and of course ahead to December. What's the crack? Club before country - Have we mentioned how much we hate not just international breaks, but international fixtures? Aye that hasn't changed at all. Safe to say reaction not just to Coventry, which the lads discuss a fair bit here, but just to the last few draws has cast a bit of a shadow on our achievements so far; Are Gav and Chris as concerned? Does this say more about the rising expectations that come with our position in the league? The Coventry draw was definitely a situation where two points were lost, but is it a sign of anything significant besides just being a bit too relaxed coming back ou