The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk

610: Jeff Janssen - The Commitment Continuum, Walt Disney, Holding Others Accountable, Team Captains, & The 7 Secrets of Successful Coaches



Go to for full show notes. Books: The Score That Matters, The Pursuit of Excellence, Welcome to Management Notes: The Commitment Continuum Resistant Reluctant Existent - Stealing scholarships (sandwich eaters) Compliant - Box checkers Committed - Heart is into it. They do extra. They are bought in. Compelled (Obsessed) - On a mission. Do an audit first of yourself. Where am I on that continuum? And then each member of your team. The goal is to get each member closer to becoming committed and compelled. Team audit - Where is everyone? People can drift down if their needs aren't met. For existent and compliant - Shift mindset to "I get to be here!" For committed and compelled - Keep them challenged. Put them in leadership roles. The art of leadership - Make it easier to move up on the commitment continuum. Walt Disney - The little things are the big things. Jeff experienced this firsthand when he went on a Disney cruise and saw the workers polishing the railings on the cruise ship