

Mrs. Etheridge was a 5th-grade teacher at Westgate Elementary in Manassas, Virginia. She had a special knack for motivating her most free-spirited student. Now, I wouldn't be honest if I were to you, I remember how she tamed a young boy who saw the world as a place to explore - mostly between the lines. But I will say that when you begin teaching and motivating others to reach their full potential, you quickly find ways to get them out of the own way, fire them up, and enjoy more success. When you first begin, meet others where they are and establish a frame for what is to come. That will get their attention. Next, strengthen the foundation by reminding them of what they already know and its impact on their life. The introduction of new knowledge arrives when they are open to receiving it. But since stacking new knowledge on top of old is like chasing shiny objects and forgetting everything you've already learned, integrating the new with the old is where you put it all together. Adding an exciting twist, som