

The view from the top is always beautiful - even if your legs hurt getting there. It’s also less crowded; start. Be different. Start climbing now! -- How to Become a Thought Leader Have you ever received an email that scrambled your brain, made you scratch your head, and got you thinking more than most days - about thinking. I had been working with a client to fine-tune her leadership skills. Things were going well, others noticed, and people outside of her immediate circle were beginning to reach out. She was excited, feeling accomplished, and had an idea - “I like this leadership thing, but I was thinking about becoming a “Thought Leader.” How do you think I can get started?” The response was instant, honest, compassionate, and, being candid, a little snarky, “Maybe you can spend more time thinking about what you want to think lead?” We laughed at our shared Captain Obvious moment, but the truth hit home. The thing that turns textbook leaders into legendary leaders is their willingness to think. They think