

How To Have an Empty Calendar Scott’s Daily Boost Show Notes — A letter I received about 10 minutes ago… “When you showed us your calendar a few weeks ago, I noticed how bear it was. You hadn't time blocked your podcast recordings, checking emails, calling friends, date night, learning time, developing course materials, Marketing activities, etc. I assumed you should time block every area of your life to ensure you achieve balance.” I believe work-life balance is a myth.  Isn't every minute of the day the same?  There are no work, play, happy or sad minutes—there are only minutes. I don't need to balance them because they are all the same. Since I have a pre-determined way that I want to live my life, it doesn't matter when I do it. Having said that…  Having a calendar that it booked every 10 minutes is one of the most stressful things I can think of having. I would bet it’s the biggest reason people get burned out or retire. In my view, a calendar's only job is to serve as a reminder system for any