The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk

608: Anthony Pompliano - (How To Live an Extraordinary Life) Luck Is Not Real, Surround Yourself With Compounders, Fire Your Boring Friends, Get On The Plane, Practice Simplicity, & Taking Big Risks608: Anthony Pompliano - (How To Live an Extraordinary Li



Go to for full show notes Read our book, The Score That Matters Notes Luck is not real – “Luck is something we conjure in our minds to grapple with the consequences of whatever life may throw our way. Luck is a physiological concept. It’s determined by how we view a situation. Academic studies show that you can become luckier simply by telling yourself that you are lucky.” Pessimists sound smart, but optimists change the world. Believe in yourself. Have agency. Strive to make something happen. "Luck is the flip side of risk. They are mirrored cousins, driven by the same thing: You are one person in a 7 billion player game, and the accidental impact of other people’s actions can be more consequential than your own." - Morgan Housel Surround yourself with compounders and fire your boring friends– Being around other ambitious people who are willing to push you will make you better. Strike the balance between being loyal to longtime friends, and doing anything fo