
Richard Hawley: sense novetat al front



Que el nou disc del de Sheffield no aporti gaires sorpreses no vol dir que sigui un mal disc. Ni de bon tros! Richard Hawley ha publicat deu discos en solitari que són deu dianes imprescindibles. Aquest també. 01 Richard Hawley - "Coles corner" 02 Richard Hawley - "Have love" 03 Richard Hawley - "Deep space" 04 Richard Hawley - "Do I really need to know" 05 The War and Treaty - "Called you by your name" 06 Nick Lowe, Los Straitjackets - "Went to a party" 07 Still Corners - "Today is the day" 08 Amythyst Kiah - "In the pines" 09 Steve Wynn - "Make it right" 10 Tom Odell - "Black friday" 11 Buffalo Tom - "Autumn letter" 12 Angus & Julia Stone - "Cape forestier" 13 Waxahatchee - "Ice cold" 14 Eels - "Sweet smile"