The Lively Show

TLS #123: How I’m “Really” Doing, Exercise, Making Major Decisions, Self-Love, & More



Today on TLS I'm doing another one of my favorite types of shows to do: I'm answering questions shared with me on Instagram last week! This episode is covering a lot of ground including things like podcasting, business, when I knew I was ready for dating again, how I'm "really" doing, my favorite Austin places, how I earn money, and more. This episode is perfect for anyone looking for a fun, casual Q+A on a variety of life, business, and relationship topics.       IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL FIND OUT ABOUT   How did you reach out to guest to be on your show when you were just getting started? How do you book your guest I'm considering starting a podcast, would you recommend naming your podcast the same as your blog if the content will be a little broader? What's better - consistency or a different but really catchy title? Would love to learn about podcasting. Like how did you get started? What equipment would you recommend for beginners? How do you exercise in MI winter regularly? Have