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How to Implement a Subscription Model, with Robbie Baxter



How to implement a subscription model? Robbie Baxter will guide you through the right process on how to implement a subscription model. Robbie Kellman Baxter has been advising entrepreneurs on business strategy for 20 years, which includes teaching them how to implement a subscription model. Her clients have included solopreneurs and venture-backed startups as well as industry leaders such as ASICS, Netflix, Electronic Arts, and The Wall Street Journal. She has worked with nearly 100 organizations in over 20 industries on growth initiatives. A sought-after writer and keynote speaker, Robbie has presented at top universities, associations and corporations, as well as to corporate boards and leadership teams around the world. Robbie has created and starred in 10 video courses in collaboration with LinkedIn Learning on business topics ranging from innovation to customer success and membership. As the author of The Membership Economy: Find Your Superusers, Master the Forever Transaction & Build Recurring Reve