The Look & Sound Of Leadership

Coaching versus Therapy



Tired of feeling like a fraud, a leader searches for help down different paths. She and her coach talk about how coaching is, and is not, like therapy.The leader in this episode wrestles with feelings of being a fraud. Tom talks about three resources to help manage that feeling:“The Executive Impostor”  Episode #176 of “The Look & Sound of Leadership”Self-Esteem at Work by Nathaniel Branden & Warren BennisThe Confidence Code by Katty Kay and Claire ShipmanAdditional tools to support your professional development are these free PDFs from our Essential Tools bin:Johari WindowReadiness in CoachingYou can listen to Tom’s conversations on these two shows:“I Need at Coach” with Adam Packard “Take Five” with Paul ButlerThis episode is tagged in four categories in our podcast archive:For WomenManaging YourselfPersonal Growth & Self-DevelopmentSelf-TalkFour episodes, in addition to “The Executive Impostor” listed above, that will help you dive deeper into the ideas in this episode are:52 - Coaching v Thera