Women Taking The Lead With Jodi Flynn

172: Jen Edds on Your Most Undervalued Superpower



Jen Edds is a musician, and HBIC (Head Broad in Charge) at The Brassy Broadcasting Company. She believes that our voices are the most undervalued assets in our businesses, and an often overlooked superpower. Jen serves a diverse client base that includes coaches, healers, and other do-gooders. She is on a mission to get them in the ears, heads, and hearts of their audiences by helping them incorporate podcasts and other audio content into their platforms. The common thread through her work, in both podcasting and music, is the desire to help others share their stories and voices.  In 2012, she quietly walked away from her comfort zone and a steady paycheck to live her passion and start The Brassy Broadcasting Co. Playing Small Moment Jen muses she played small for the first 39 years of her life but she acknowledges she needed a kick start to start singing. Her friend encouraged her to pick up the mic and broadened her horizons. The Wake Up Call Jen had an opportunity to play a ranch gig in front of people and