Women Taking The Lead With Jodi Flynn

100% Jodi: Higher Consciousness vs. Traditional Theology



For you today I wanted to share an email I received from a client after she did the “Get Your Energy Back” Process I offer in my business. How it works is you take a 20-minute online self-assessment and then we schedule 75 minutes to debrief your results. During that debrief session we uncover where your sources of stress are coming from and what you can do to alleviate it so you greatly reduce, and for some completely remove, those triggers for stress. It also gives you a process to continue this work as you become aware of other triggers that hide under the surface until the crop up and blindside you. You all know what I’m talking about. J Even before meeting me this particular client had been working on developing a greater level of consciousness and she was in a place where she felt caught between the new perspectives, thoughts and ideas she was being exposed to and her parent’s counsel to seek her truth from a more traditional source. Here’s what her email said… “Hi Jodi, I'm having a hard time relating