Women Taking The Lead With Jodi Flynn

100% Jodi: Decoding What it Means to Be Type A



Hello everyone and thank you for joining me today. This episode is going live the day before we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day and for me this signifies that I will be competing in my first Spartan race in exactly 3 months. I’ll admit I have not been taking my training as seriously as I wanted to at the outset and now I’m making some dramatic changes to my schedule and lifestyle to get myself in the best shape so I can enjoy the experience. Yes, I did say I want to enjoy this Spartan race. I know it will be tough but I also know there is a satisfaction that comes when at the end of the race I can say I did my best and for me my best includes the training. Wish me luck! A Type A Discovery Over the past year or so I began to realize that I attracted into my community and my clientele women who all seemed to fit a particular personality profile. It was no surprise that they were a lot like me. They were going through challenges I had overcome or was in the process of overcoming, they had strengths that were similar