Women Taking The Lead With Jodi Flynn

100% Jodi: Getting Started



Here’s a tiny peek into what I’ve been struggling with lately. I have been procrastinating on this latest episode of 100% Jodi and I am relieved that I got this out on schedule. Every time I had a to-do or blocked time out on my calendar to sit down, gather my thoughts and put together an outline of what I wanted to share with you I found other things that were more urgent or I openly admitted to myself I just didn’t have the inspiration to create anything. However, I had an epiphany yesterday thanks to two episodes on two different podcasts I listened to this week. The first podcast I wish I could name but it is eluding me right now. I think it’s because I was listening from a selfish place of how it was going to help me. However, the message has stuck with me. It was an interview and the guest shared that when you have a goal such as running 5 miles in the morning, you can’t think about it in terms of the whole goal - it’s too overwhelming. Instead consider your goal to be getting up with the alarm, getting