Women Taking The Lead With Jodi Flynn

100% Jodi: My Solution for Resistance to Work



Hello everyone and thank you for joining me today. I'm sitting here on the Sunday before this episode is being released and not quite sure which topic I want to touch upon. I'm in a head space today where instead of wanting to crank out a lot of work, which is my normal routine on a Sunday morning, I wanted to sit and reflect and do a bit of puttering as I've talked about in previous episodes. I am feeling resistance to being very active today. I tried pushing for a bit, and distracting myself with other tasks but I keep coming back to wanting to be in the space of ease and reflection. And this is the thing, if you have big goals and I know I do, there are going to be days that you have tasks on the calendar but you're just not into it. And this leaves you with a few choices. One, you can delete the task all together. Two, you can reschedule the task for another time. Three, you can force yourself to do the task and there are very few situations in which I would recommend this. Lastly, and what I did, is you