Women Taking The Lead With Jodi Flynn

100% Jodi: Beauty of the Brief Meeting



This episode is going to be short and sweet and you’re going to find out why pretty quickly. One of my favorite shows of all time is The West Wing. I loved the quick pace, the witty banter, the thoughtful approach to complex issues, and the relationships of the characters. They were good people doing their best and occasionally, with good intentions, messing up. There are many things I like about The West Wing but what I want to talk to you about today is something I noticed in the episodes and became very intrigued by. The 5-Minute Meeting Most of the meetings happened in short bursts. Some as short as 1-2 minutes and even in The Situation Room where serious things were going down, people got right to the point so they could fulfill the purpose of the meeting which was to make decisions. Information was given clearly and concisely and if more information was needed the meeting was ended and everyone moved on to do what they needed to do. Otherwise, they made their decisions, everyone had their marching order