Women Taking The Lead With Jodi Flynn

100% Jodi: We Succeed in Community



I was thinking about last weeks episode and how it was all about getting out during the summer months to network and continue to meet people. The following is a keynote address I delivered to the Sebago Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce in January of 2016 on the power in community. Having shared it with some friends I was encouraged to re-purpose it for the Women Taking the Lead podcast. I hope you enjoy it. It’s no secret that business owners like their independence. They like to set their own hours, be the ultimate decision maker and forge their own destinies. The same holds true for those shooting for the top levels of their organizations. They tend to be the people who want to be in the know and be the decision makers. However, rather than a state of independence, it is a state of interdependence that has worked to grow economies and organizations. It takes a village to raise a business In my corporate career I was absolutely the benefactor of mentoring and partnerships. But, much like how a grammar school