Success Smackdown Live With Kat

Manifestation fucking works Ask for what you want GET IT {Podcast 95}



When you WRITE DOWN your intentions, your CRYSTAL CLEAR intentions, it works. You don’t just write down what you want and PRAY it falls into your lap, you’ve gotta DO THE WORK, too. We avoid asking for what we want because we’re AFRAID it might not happen, or we don’t deserve it. When you’re manifesting something, WORK ON IT. Don’t worry about how something will happen, but KEEP working on what you want. REALITY:• If you ask for something vague, you’ll GET a vague outcome!• Make your intentions clearToday's ASSKICKERY Action Task:Take ten minutes to write down your daily intentions, your big long-term goals, and your desires! If you enjoyed this episode of ERTV, you can sign up here ( and receive my FREE book: Multi-Passionate Woman: FOR THE DRIVEN WOMAN WHO WANTS TO BE, DO AND HAVE IT ALL, IN BUSINESS AND LIFE!Hi, I'm Katrina Ruth. Over the past nearly 2 decades I've been blessed to have brought through me a multiple 8-figure coaching brand online. I have a new mi