Awaken Radio Podcast | Heart-opening Conversations & Inspiring Interviews On Happiness, Health, Self-love & Spirituality

AR #47 - Divine Empowerment, Conscious Relationships & Heart-Yoni Connection with Elise Carr



Divine Empowerment, Conscious Relationships & Heart-Yoni Connection With Elise CarrIn this episode, we cover;+ Understanding the yoni space and why we need a yoni-heart-mind connection to become our most empowered selves and get our life on track.+ Why many women are carrying deep womb trauma as a result of unprotected sex, abuse, STD’s, birth trauma or even PCOS. + The physical indications of a 'yoni disconnect' and the tools that will help you re-connect with your yoni and your heart.+ What it means to be divinely empowered woman and how to take your power back through energy work, forgiveness and boundaries.+ How an unhealed 'inner prostitute' archetype can cause us to override our inner voice and ignore our truth.+ How to create a conscious relationship and why a man's role is to open woman's yoni space, and a woman’s role is to open a man's heart space.+ What your relationships with men will look like when you are disconnected from your yoni and your heart, and why