Architects Of Justice: Exploring Access To Justice In Ontario

AOJ 03: Going Solo



The number of people representing themselves, without a lawyer or paralegal, is growing every day. In this episode we learn about what it is like to navigate a complex system on your own. We hear from a self-represented litigant and access to justice advocates who discuss how the self-rep experience is changing the legal system in Ontario. Sylvia Green, Self-Represented Litigant Brian Houghton, Litigations Projects Manager, Pro Bono Ontario Jennifer Leitch, Research Fellow, Canadian Forum on Civil Justice, Adjunct Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School David Milosevic, Litigator, Milosevic Fiske LLP, Volunteer, Pro Bono Ontario Julie Macfarlane, Professor, Faculty of Law at the University of Windsor, Project Director, National Self-Represented Litigants Project    Want to learn more about self-represented litigants? Check out these resources: Having a Say: Democracy, Access to Justice and Self-Represented Litigants The National Self-Represented Litigants Project: Identifying and Meeting the Needs of Self-Rep