

Increase business value, a podcast episode with Frank Lunn. Learn how to identify and understand the factors that increase business value. Frank Lunn is a life-long enTREPreneur leading other enTREPreneurs & enTREPreneurial companies in the creation of a collaborative enTREPreneurial support ecosystem and helping them increase business value! Frank is a proven small business entrepreneur with a passion for maximizing resources and inspiring both individual and business growth. Currently, he is the President/CEO of Kahuna Business Group Inc., a business development company for empowering entrepreneurship. As President of Kahuna, Frank has played a vital role in the vision, facilitation and leadership of KBGI and its client companies. His unique experience and entrepreneurial leadership has helped transform Kahuna Business Group, Inc. into a multi-million dollar enterprise. In addition to being an expert business leader and small business entrepreneur, Lunn is a respected authority on leadership, motivation