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Register Your Trademark, with Joey Vitale



Register your trademark to protect your company’s brand. Learn from Joey Vitale on why it’s so important to register your trademark. In today’s podcast, Joey Vitale will discuss the importance of why you need to register your trademark. You will learn a lot because he is an attorney and business strategist for thriving entrepreneurs. As the Founding Attorney of Indie Law, Joey works with small business owners to protect their passions and give them the legal foundation they need to thrive and make an impact. Outside of his firm, Joey provides courses, presentations, and workshops that focus on the legal issues that matter most: trademarks, business formation, copyrights, and contracts. While based in Chicago, Indie Law serves business owners all over the country. What you will learn from this episode about why you need to register your trademark: Why Joey decided to break out on his own and began working with small businesses to help them protect their assets Why you need to register your trademark and how J