Innovation In Compliance With Tom Fox

Travis Howerton on Revolutionizing Compliance: Integrating Automation for Digital Transformation



Innovation comes in many areas and compliance professionals need to not only be ready for it but embrace it. Join Tom Fox, the Voice of Compliance, as he visits with top innovative minds, thinkers, and creators in the award-winning Innovation in Compliance podcast. In this episode, Tom welcomes back, Travis Howerton, a co-founder of RegScale, the sponsor for this episode, to take a deep dive into automating compliance solutions for the digital transformation of compliance. Howerton advocates for the integration of automation in compliance to keep pace with rapid technological advancements, thereby maintaining competitiveness and efficiency. Through digitizing regulations by using the latest standards and forming strategic partnerships, Howerton and RegScale are transforming traditional compliance from a manual, burdensome task into an automated, streamlined process, thereby redefining the role of compliance professionals as key contributors to secure and innovative operations. We discuss the three pillars of