

Overcoming a crisis, especially during the pandemic, was quite challenging. Learn how Nicole Mahoney and her team persevered in overcoming a crisis. With a talent for creating special events that blossomed while working for her dad’s car stereo shop, Nicole Mahoney got her start in marketing at Frontier Field in Rochester and she began serving as the executive director of the internationally known Lilac Festival. Later on, Nicole headed the Canandaigua, New York Business Improvement District while also performing projects for the tourism promotion agency Visit Rochester. In 2009, Nicole founded Break the Ice Media, with more than 20 years of experience in tourism marketing. She now hosts “Destination on the Left”, a highly successful tourism marketing podcast. As a business owner, Nicole knows what it takes to be successful, especially in overcoming a crisis. She founded BTI to help businesses tell their brand story through public relations, digital and traditional channels. Nicole has the ability to uncover