Pixel By Pixel

Pixel by Pixel - Episode 87 - Ducks in a Barrel



  Pixel by Pixel is a weekly podcast about video games (most of the time) and...other things. It's hosted by Patrick Dees (@ptothedees),  Nick Long (@Nick_Long), Matt Ryan(@LaughinMan7), and Evan Endicott (@NotoriousEJE). Fresh off a Memorial Day weekend filled with rock climbing, BBQing & Witchering Patrick and Evan are again really missing their fellow Pixels.  We discuss the weekend, mad bouldering skills, 15 hours w/o an iPhone and summer movies. But mostly this week was all about two things:  Mad Max and Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. And we have thoughts.  Lots of them.  Evan and Patrick have both played about 20 hours of the Witcher and we talk through initial impressions.  Surprising nobody - we love it.   On our way out we hit a very thoughtful listener question about the advantages of being a solo or social gamer.   Tune to listen to the Top 5 things that will make this podcast exceptionally listenable!   Games Discussed:  Dying Light, Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and