Bluehub Talk With Personalities From The Cloud Accounting World

BlueHub talk to Emma Northcote-Green from Fresh Financials



Fresh Financials started out life as Platinum Numbers back in 1999, explains Emma. It was a very traditional bookkeeping service, on-site visits spent sifting through paperwork. Back in 2012 Emma started looking for an alternative way of working. Having used Quickbooks desktop program, she first tried Quickbooks online but didn’t suit her needs. She trialed Xero and found it so easy to use she signed up and moved her practice into the cloud. Although originally her clients were based in and around East Sussex, now Emma works with businesses around the country, with a couple of clients in Canada and France. The ability to work remotely has allowed her to grow her business, removing the limits set by traditional time-restrictive practice. Emma explains that her work has gone far beyond the basic data management. The saving that Emma has offered businesses in time, she has converted to providing business advice, helping businesses grow and make sound strategic decisions. Being specialists in the hospitality s