Bluehub Talk With Personalities From The Cloud Accounting World

BlueHub talk to Steven Renwick from Satago



Steven has a varied background having started in bio tech and pharmeceuticals following a PhD in genetics. He went on to complete an MBA after discovering an interest in business information systems while consulting and this was the starting point for Satago. The app is designed to help small businesses improve capital and cash flow through credit control software. The automation of chasing debtors, using credit risk data with sales ledger information to provide warnings is a significant asset in financial control. Satago is free for cloud accounting users as the app also provides a dynamic finance option where it makes a small profit to offset the other functions of the software. Users can select specific invoices to gain finance through the app and the program will recommend the most effective financing options to avoid higher charges while freeing up cash. There is no commitment to take the financing at any point although due to the option being available, a credit agreement is required. When asked about t