Pile Of Shame Pc Podcast

Episode 91: China Don't Care.



Ladyboys, shiny toys and pinball joy. Coming at you from glamorous Bangkok, the capital of China, we talk all things PS4, Battlefield 4 is still sitting ugly and we unveil the POSpinball challenge & take on World War Hulk. Anyone is free to join on any platform. The table for this week is Infinity Gauntlet, simply achieve a bragworthy score and take a screenshot/photo and tweet using #POSpinball for your chance at eternal glory. The highest score achieved picks the table for next week. Congratulations to Phil (PainJunkie666) for scoring 133 million in World War Hulk this week. Music this week from Pinball FX2 Follow us on Twitter: @PileOfShamePC @LordAntman @PileOGore @TheAlterdEgo @DigitalPariahUK iTunes ratings will be rewarded with a pinball ramp being named in your honour.