Pile Of Shame Pc Podcast

Episode 105: The Walnut Crip



With special guest Ben Knowles aka Onion Murders we surf the gaps between The Stick of Truth, Tropico 4 and Spelunky.    We see the Electric man David Bowie pitted against Public Enemy in the POS Music Game, who will make the longer mark? Other music from The Stick of Truth   You can get involved with the music conversation on Twitter or on our forums. Simply follow @PileOfShamePC and PileOfShamePodcast.com respectively.    You can also get less PG material on Twitter if you follow us: @LordAntman @7oClockShadow @NotADrDan @ToxicBuddha @OnionMurders   Many thanks for those iTunes reviews, they will get us out there to a larger audience to more efficiently appall the masses with our music/movie choices.