Pile Of Shame Pc Podcast

C*nts with Trumpets



Things get hard this week as Dark Souls 2 gives us a harsh reminder of who is in charge. We chat about the other title game this week Titanfall, is it the saviour of the boner? What are we, experts?! We also finialise our Rezzed details and talk pyjama etiquette, is it cool to just let it hang out?   Music this week from Luftrausers and the winner of The Pile of Shame Music Game.    The Music Game this week sees Blur's Parklife in a Salsa-off against the Bueno Vista Social Club, is it time to collect their dues?   Join the conversation on PileOfShamePodcast.com You can also follow @PileOfShamePC for infrequent announcements and nonsensical gibberings.   Follow the hosts: @LordAntman @7oClockShadow @NotADrDan @ToxicBuddha   Your kind iTunes ratings have been fantastic, we really do appreciate it. If you have any suggestions/feedback, good or bad, then please don't hesitate to contact us by the means listed above. This podcast is all of ours, let's make it the best it can be.