Pile Of Shame Pc Podcast

Episode 115: The Duck Rudder



Dan says he doesn't have any stories about wangs, this is a lie. We've a whole lotta Nazi going on with Wolfenstein: New Order, HR problems on the high seas with Pixel Piracy and smashing an entire planet into another with Planetary Annihilation. In the movies this week we all discuss Leon: The Professional, is it a masterclass in pacing and violence or just some art-house wannabe? Music is split between the denim-clad Bad Company and floppy-fringed Band of Horses. Will the very direct Straight Shooter conquer the omnipotence of Everything All the Time? Download the show hereSubscribe on iTunes: Subscribe Make your voice heard, you can submit an audio clip to mail@PileOfShamePodcast.com otherwise join us on the forums at PileOfShamePodcast.com You can also find us on Twitter @PileOfShamePCOr individually at:@LordAntman@NotADrDan@7oClockShadow@ToxicBuddha   iTunes reviews will get you an official Dr Dan "Animal penises of the world" teatowel.