Make It Happen Mondays - B2b Sales Talk With John Barrows

Armand Farrokh and Nick Cegelski: Cold Calling Sucks (and That’s Why It Works)



John Barrows is joined by sales juggernauts Nick Cegelski and Armand Farrokh, founders of “30 Minutes to President’s Club,” and authors of the game-changing book, “Cold Calling Sucks (And That’s Why It Works).” Together, they unpack insights derived from over 300 million analyzed cold calls, revealing hard-hitting strategies that separate top performers from the rest. Discover the role of tone, the importance of data accuracy, and the power of a multi-channel approach within your cold calling success. They also offer actionable tips on mastering objections, effectively engaging with gatekeepers, and bringing a human touch to your sales calls.Are you interested in leveling up your sales skills and staying relevant in today’s AI-driven landscape? Visit and let’s Make It Happen together!Connect with John on LinkedIn: with John on IG: out John's Membership: