Kobo Writing Life Podcast

#95 - Estate Planning for Authors with M.L. Buchman



KWL Director Mark Lefebvre interviews bestselling author M.L. Buchman (“Matt”) about his non-fiction title specifically targeted for writers and other creators, Estate Planning for Authors: Your Final Letter (and why you need to write it now), a step by step guide on how authors can make sure their legacy remains profitable for decades for their heirs after they are gone. During the interview, Mark and Matt discuss: The approximate 120 titles that Matt has written (about half full length books, the other half short stories) in the past several years The 20 “sweet romance” versions of his romance titles that were re-drafted to remove the adult situations and adult words for a more “wholesome” audience. Described as: “This “Sweet Version” is the exact same story as the original, with no foul language and the bedroom door—even when there isn’t one—tastefully closed.” How Kristine Kathryn Rusch, after hearing Matt state that he couldn’t write short, commissioned him to write a short story for an anthology she