The Competitive Edge

Synthesizing Spiritual Wisdom To It’s Core Essence With Kyle Kowalski (Sloww)



Many of the guests I’ve had on the podcast have spoken about the benefits of going deep once you’ve found a spiritual path or tradition that resonates. The argument is that depth results in more profound transformation than breadth or spiritual window shopping. In my own experience, I have found this to be true. However, I know there are other people out there that have a different perspective and received a tremendous amount of benefit from a more broad exploration. Today’s guest is Kyle Kowalski, the founder of Sloww. Sloww is creating the web’s deepest guide to the world’s wisdom through an interdisciplinary study across diverse yet interconnected disciplines.  Kyle describes himself as a synthesizer. He has spent the last few years studying a tremendous amount of spiritual teachers and teachings with the goal of getting to the core essence of what they all point to. For full show notes: