Business Beyond Usual

#103 - An Ambassador, A Senator, and An International Economist



MBA students are surrounded by experts on business and the economy, so for this episode, Host Ramu Annamalai talks to several of them at Michigan Ross to get their reflections on the U.S. presidential election and the future of the global economy.Guests include:Ambassador Ron Weiser, former president of the Michigan Republican Party;Senator John Dingell, 30-term US Senator and recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom;Michigan Ross Professor Marina Von Whitman, the first female to serve on the President’s Council of Economic Advisors and former director of the Council on Foreign Relations;Michigan Ross Professor Kyle Handley, professor of Business Economics and Public Policy with a focus on global trade;John Keig, MBA ‘17, spent his career prior to Ross working for various political campaigns and politicians, including President Barack Obama.Special Thanks to the Ford School of Public Policy.Check out their Post Election Analysis Panel: