Business Beyond Usual

#111 - Professor vs. Students: The Great Debate



In this episode, we’re pitting MBA students against their professor in a live, on-stage debate about a hot topic in the business world: Should U.S. companies voluntarily offer paid family leave for parents?Paid time off for parents is mandatory in many countries, but not in the U.S. Several states, like California, have enacted separate paid leave policies, and support for a federal-level paid leave law has been gaining traction. But questions about the economic viability of the policy remain, and opposition to national regulation is also strong.Listen as students Sathya Vijayakumar, MBA ‘17, and Lizzy Corn, MBA ‘17, take on Professor of Strategy Aneel Karnani!The Great Debate 2017 at Michigan Ross was organized and developed by Sandy Mervak, MBA/MPP ‘17, and the Ross Student Government Association.We want to hear your feedback. What do you like about the show, what can we improve, and what would you like us to talk about? Leave a review to let us know, or you can reach us at Bey