Success In Medicine

Energized at Work: Episode 20 with Chief Medical Officer Dr. Stefanie Simmons



I really enjoyed speaking to Dr. Stefanie Simmons, because her work with the Dr. Lorna Breen Heroes' Foundation is an example of how advocacy in action can lead to change, even over the course of just a few years. Dr. Simmons is the Chief Medical Officer of the Dr. Lorna Breen Heroes' Foundation. Over the course of her career, she has served as a clinician, an educator, a healthcare executive, and now Chief Medical Officer.  In this conversation, we speak about her advocacy work, and how the foundation has been able to make significant strides in promoting healthcare well-being. In speaking with her, she is clearly energized by her mission: to support healthcare providers in rediscovering the joy in their work, in order to improve the quality of their lives and improve the care that they provide to patients.  She explains that her work is focused on advocacy, awareness, and advancing solutions. As part of her work with the foundation, she meets with state and federal legislators. She also conducts out