Life Uncloseted With Rick Clemons

635: Living Your Life (Un)Closeted Series: Part 5 – Drop the BS of the inconceivable and thrive – Rick Clemons



If you've ever caught yourself saying, " I can't conceive of that," then you've blown the possibility of what's possible. That mindset prevents us as LGBTQ+ individuals from becoming our own version of a Disney Imagineer for our lives. Break free of the BS of the inconceivable and get curious about what's truly possible. In this episode you'll Learn how to spot your BS inconceivable patterns Breakthrough negative thinking to step into possibility thinking Uncover the best ways to use your imagination for opening life's dreams About Rick Rick is a life and business coach, speaker, author, and podcaster. With his husband by his side and two grown children, life looks dramatically different than it did more than 20 years ago. “I started living by my expectations rather than others, and gained the confidence to love me. “Instead of seeking out hidden sexual experiences and lying about who I was, I found love with a man who embraced me and my kids. “Of course, none of this was easy. I wouldn’t bullsh