Autumn Miles Podcast

Episode 204: When the NEW Makes You Nervous Part 4 - Be strong and courageous, you don’t need their opinions.



All five steps for how to step into the next season with confidence conclude in this episode of the 4-part series, “When the NEW Makes You Nervous!” Process your past, listen and receive, Obey and do what the Word says, be strong and courageous, and don’t get too many opinions. The Hebrew translation for Joshua 1 can tell us a lot about the nature of what God was telling Joshua in their private conversation. God wasn’t asking Joshua to be physically strong. He was asking him to be MENTALLY strong and courageous, so He could use Joshua as a vessel for the nation of Israel’s victory. And not only did Joshua take God seriously, he didn’t seek others’ opinions. Joshua allowed nothing to deter him from what God called him to do, and in doing that, Joshua became one of the most successful leaders of Israel.    Monologue: Autumn gives an update on how the back-to-school preparations are going in the Miles household.  Message: Autumn shares the last two steps for what to do when the new season makes you nervous. Ques