Hacks & Hobbies

E633 - Sabine Schoepke - How to Live Your Life and Embrace Authenticity



In this episode, I get to speak with Sabine Schoepke. Sabine Schoepke is a bestselling author, podcaster, and guide for midlifers who have transformed their lives in remarkable ways. From overcoming homelessness and building multiple businesses to simplifying her life and relocating to the German Alps, Sabine's journey is truly remarkable. During our discussion, Sabine shared powerful insights on personal growth, embracing authenticity, and finding purpose, even after achieving outward success. Her raw honesty and resilience in the face of challenges were truly inspiring. I know you'll find this conversation as thought-provoking and uplifting as I did. So sit back, listen, and get ready to be motivated to live your most authentic life. Let's dive in. Our Guest https://thepowerlifecoach.com/www.linkedin.com/in/sabineschoepkeIG: @sabine_power_life 3 Hacks to take away Sabine's journey of personal transformation, from overcoming homelessness and building multiple businesses to simplifying her