Compliance Perspectives

Evie Wentink on Misconduct Reporting by Remote Employees [Podcast]



By Adam Turteltaub How do you get employees working remotely, who may have less of a connection to the company, to make the effort and take the risk of reporting potential wrongdoing? For Evie Wentink, it starts with recognizing the need to encourage a culture of reporting for these workers. It also includes recognizing that, even though they are remote, it doesn’t mean that they aren’t victims of or witnesses to a range of bad behaviors including harassment and bullying. Compliance teams should also recognize that remote workers lack many of the casual opportunities to discuss with peers what they are seeing and what to do about it. To help overcome these challenges, she recommends training and creating multiple reporting avenues. She also recommends training managers in active listening so that they know what do when an employee walks through the virtual door with a concern.