The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk

589: Sam Reese - Leadership Coaching, Setting Big Goals, Setting The Tone at the Top, and Why We Should All Be Part of a Mastermind Group



Read The Score That Matters Full show notes at Notes:  How to create a learning organization - Set the tone at the top. The senior leader needs to model this behavior. Create peer groups at your place of work. Team learning is important. Give people the responsibility to lead training sessions. Support your teammates. Pay for them to go to conferences, hire coaches, and learn. Commonalities among leaders who sustain excellence: They are curious. They have no confirmation bias. They have high standards. They respect all members of their team. They have a vision and goals and they share them with their team. GPS - Goals, Perspectives, Strategy. Process -- Full transparency, one meeting per week. Start with a story about a member at each meeting. "If you know what to do, what would you do?" Help high-integrity leaders make good decisions for their company, family, and community. Hiring "must-haves" They believe in the mission They don't think they're better than o