Scott Thompson Show

By-Election, Bye-Bye. The Liberals lose St. Paul's to the Tories.



The Hamilton Today Podcast with Scott Thompson: Does the Toronto—St. Paul's by-election presage the end of Justin Trudeau? A surprise uptick in May’s inflation figures is pouring water on hopes for another interest rate cut from the Bank of Canada in July. According to new Angus Reid polling, although there is chatter of Justin Trudeau’s ouster, potential Liberal replacements offer little room for the party to recover. How important, really, is the upcoming CNN televised debate between Trump and Biden? Is it must-see television? We get an update from the City of Hamilton on the state of recovery from the cyber-attack earlier in the year, and what has been learned about the incident. We take a post-game look at the Oilers vs. the Panthers. Warren Kinsella’s recent piece for the Toronto Sun caught the eye of Ian Lee… he says that there are indicators throughout of the sort of discussions being had behind the scenes of the Liberal party. The Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) is warning private invest