Western Hills Church Of Christ, Temple




Scripture:  Mark 4:35-41 Speaker:  Grant Perkins Summary: The speaker shares a personal story about his family's experience with fostering a child named David, who was eventually moved to an unsafe placement despite their prayers. This event led him to grapple with the notion of unanswered prayers and feeling abandoned by God. He relates this to the biblical story of Jesus calming the storm in Mark 4, where the disciples, in their fear, doubted Jesus' care and ability. The sermon emphasizes that fear often interrupts faith, leading us to believe that Jesus either doesn't care or isn't able to help. However, the true lesson is that Jesus cares and is able, regardless of whether every storm is calmed. The speaker concludes by encouraging the congregation to remain faithful and obedient, using their past experiences and the reality of eternity to strengthen their faith amidst fear.