Cedar Hills Community Church - Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Good Seed, Bad Seed, and Kingdom Treasure



Good Seed, Bad Seed, and Kingdom Treasure.Pastor Kent Landhuis  THEME - When good and evil grow side by side - we keep trusting! TEXT - Luke 13:18-19 Three responses to evil in the world:1.   Plant seeds.  * Luke 13:18-19 (Matthew 13:31-32) * Matthew 13:1-9, 24-27 * Romans 12:9 2. Leave weeds.  * Matthew 13:28-30 * Wisdom * Patience. * Luke 13:24-43 * Romans 12:17-21 3. Trust God. * Matthew 21:28-32 * Matthew 21:33-46 * Ask “need” questions. * Beware “trap” questions. NEXT STEPS1. Ask God to grow your trust.2. Keep planting seeds!.GROWING IN TRUST If we trust in God, we will obey. God is King and the King is in charge of the Kingdom—always. Disobedience and trust cannot coexist; if we trust God, we will walk in God’s ways - even when bad things happen to us or around us! Consider the fruit of trusting and obeying: * Trusting God helps us wait on him when he delays or is silentregarding our prayers or the fulfillment of his promises. When God delays, itis for a good reason. God’s actions are founded on wi