Nik And Ant - Ptma Podcast

How much should you let the commercial gym you work in effect your business? & Q&A No.149



How much should you let the commercial gym you work in effect your business? This could be quite a broad question. What would you say is the minimum Sq/Ft requirement for a small SGPT facility??? Any top tips on running a successful 5 day facebook group challenge as a lead magnet If you could go back in time and tell your younger self one thing, what would it be and why? Any advice for starting a whatsapp group chat for clients with less than 5 people? I've wanted one for a while, but I'm worried that the low numbers will impact their perception of the business. Do you think people value coaching more in certain towns and cities due to the demographic? Or is this what PTs tell themselves to feel better when they are having a bad month? Price rises - how often would you do, what % would you increase by (I know it depends but what would you consider) and how would you manage with relative newcomers? As in, might have only been with me a few months before a price rise comes in.